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about us

Emotions are the soundtrack of our lives and the notes that create the magnetic force that you draw to you. Your voice is your main instrument. Its vibrations are your signature into the stars and therefore the paintbrush onto the canvas that is your life. Right now, your voice needs to be heard more than ever. As we shift globally and galactically into a new phase of existence, those who can turn a cacophony of thoughts and feelings into a symphony of harmony will have the benefit of enjoying the lives they love within a world where we want to live. This mastery starts with you.


The real change starts with you. We are passionate about studying rhythms in nature (humans, trees, animals, etc) and their interconnectedness. What we now know is that collectively, these rhythms hold the Earth in place. Literally. Albert Einstein was right, E=MC2, which means our thoughts and feelings turn into matter. This means YOU matter -more than you ever imagined.


Jenna Moniz

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I am a mother, sister, and daughter who is passionate about my calling as an educator, writer, and activist. My life’s work is centered around developing healthy, happy young people who are supported by families, and education systems that focus on developing self-actualized individuals who are confident using their voice to create the lives they love.


My early experience with the Peace Corps as a community organizer and teacher in developing communities of Southeast Africa, West Africa, and favelas of Southern Brazil gave me perspective on global disparities and the generational necessity of some communities to rely upon one another in order to survive. Human connection, resilience, and ingenuity are themes that I’ve studied both informally and formally throughout the years.


I have served as a school and district-based educator in the sixth largest school district in the U.S. and helped develop its mindfulness and social and emotional learning initiatives. In 2019, I founded Aspire Academy, an accelerated inter-disciplinary academy for teenagers who sought a different approach from the traditional. Through positive psychology and heart-centered practices, students took charge of their well-being. By studying energy and the interconnectedness of life forms and taking action within their communities, students gained practical life and work skills while exploring and expressing their creativity.


My Masters Degree is in Brain-based Instruction and I am a certified by: National Board of Teaching Standards, Center for Mind-Body Medicine, Yale’s Science of Well-being, and a HeartMath Institute master trainer and coach.


I am also a certified Mat Pilates trainer and I love to incorporate mind-heart coherence and music into my practice to support the movement of energy through the body’s energy centers. 


I love nature, animals, and children and will continue to dedicate my life to supporting the personal and collective well-being of those I serve in order to contribute to the greater global and galactic good. Right now, I work with educators and students around the world who are doing their best in a world that is changing faster than ever before. I am here to guide you through the shifts.


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